Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog Post #5

A PLN is a Personal Learning Network or in other words a social and information website used for teachers and future educators.

PLN's can help us a future teachers in many different ways. For one building relationships with other individuals in your field of study. It also allows you to gather/ share information among other teachers. These learning networks are typically formed by teachers and students with similar interest. I had no idea until now what a PLN stood for and surprisingly I've already created my own by using Twitter, Facebook, and many other social groups. The first addition to my group would be to follow and communicate with as many teachers and futures teachers I possibly could.


  1. Reread the email that was sent this week. Points are taken off for not following blog post requirements such as, the post not being substantial in length and not having links included in each post.

  2. Hey Randy,
    Did you watch the videos about the PLN's? I made my PLN with "Symbaloo" and added all my favorite social media sites as tiles on my PLN. The PLN is a resource to organize all the tools that you use and to find new resources through other peoples PLN's. You may want to check out the videos in the resources for this blog.

  3. Hey, ladies
    I did however read the email and watch the video about PLN's. Thanks for the feedback though.
