Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Post #3


After watching the video What is Peer Editing? I find it to be very useful and important to not only EDM310 but to any other classes that we may take as well. As future teachers it is imperative that we go behind ourselves and make sure things are spelled correctly, used in the right content, etc. Of course, no one is perfect and we all make mistakes ,but that's when peer editing comes into place. The best way to approach peer editing in my opinion is to use good word choice. One simple word can cause a heap of trouble when peer editing someone else's work. You have to be very careful about not offending anyone ,but at the same time try and give feedback that you feel will be helpful to that person. If you have to seco nd guess yourself about if your feedback will offend someone then you probably should rethink or re word what you were originally going tosay. My main focus when peer editing my classmates in EDM 310 is to start off with some positive feedback. It seems as if positive feedback will make things go much smoother. 


  1. Great post Randy! I agree with you completely, word choice is something we should all be aware of. Make sure to double check your text before you post there were a few typos. Overall great work see you in class on Tuesday.

  2. Great post! Try linking the video so others can have quick and easy access to what your are speaking about.
